Getting Started

You have gone out and bought a bunch stuff you needed and perhaps even some things you just wanted to have, what’s next? It’s easy to get excited and believe you’re going to dive right in and be the next winner of project runway but sewing takes time to master. I always suggest people get to know their machines first. This means reading through the manual. It can be boring for some, but it really is a necessary step. 

For children, depending on the age, I suggest starting even simpler. It may sound funny, but I started my 4-year-old off with cutting paper. This is because cutting is VERY important, just as much as measuring. I wanted her to be able to do every step of sewing, not just sit on my lap and sew fabric together. You can read more about teaching kids to sew here.

Once you’ve read your manual or have watched a few YouTube videos and feel comfortable, get a piece of scrap fabric and practice sewing various lines. There are actually sheets online that you can print off and use or you can create your own. It may seem juvenile but keeping a straight line and sewing curves aren’t the easiest things to do at first. You may feel you’re ready after a couple tries, but it doesn’t hurt to revert to practicing lines occasionally. It’s an old saying, but it still holds true, practice does make perfect.



Looking for beginning sewing ideas? I’ve got you covered. Click here for beginner sewing tutorials.




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